Our latest NPR piece by TYTW Founder, Stephanie Sinclair, examines the devastating impact of child marriage on boys in Nepal, a country with one of the highest prevalence of child grooms in the world.
Little attention had been paid to the consequence of child marriage on boys who often times come from the poorest households with little to no education. Studies show that boys who are forced to marry young are trapped into a lifetime of economic disadvantage, exploitation and mental health problems. "Young men force themselves to be adults, but they don't have the psychological resources to cope with all the demands,” shared Pashupati Mahat, technical director and senior clinical psychologist for Center for Mental Health and Counselling - Nepal
Special thanks to TYTW team member Sangeeta Lama for her support during this project, as well as Chakraman and his family for bravely sharing their story in such a vulnerable way. Their selflessness know no bounds. Our sincerest gratitude to NPR and Marc Silver in particular for their passion for this project.